CSCI P-14110 Introduction to Programming, Computational Science, and Data Visualization

This is the course website CSCI P-14110

Lesson 1 - Introduction

This week, we will go over the general structure of this course, our motivations and tools.

We will also install a lot of stuff!

For reference, I will use some Unix-like commands. We’ll only cover a few, but just in case you want to know more, here is a Windows-to-Unix conversion cheetsheet:

Installation Notes for Programming

  1. Go to the Anaconda Navigator downloads page
  2. Download the version appropriate for your operating system (Mac, Windows, Linux) - make sure you select Python 3 (not 2)
  3. Click on the .exe or package file that gets downloaded and run the install program
  4. For Windows - search for Jupyter Notebook, click and run; For Mac - in Applications folder, click on Anaconda Navigator, click on the Jupyter Notebook link once the Navigator opens
  5. Open a new notebook by clicking “New” in the upper left corner and selecting Python 3
  6. Test your installation with the following commands:
    • import matplotlib
    • import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    • plt.plot([5,6])

Make sure to press SHIFT+ENTER after each line. You should see a simple line plot appear.

You can also follow along using the notebook listed on today’s lesson webpage.


Movie of this process:

Windows 10

Movie of this process:


Below are some extra resources to learn about the topics we discussed. Some will be required for the HW and will be listed on the Canvas webpage, while others are left up to you!


  1. Astronomy Crash Course - An Intro to Astronomy - what is this whole “Astronomy” thing anyway?
  2. Astronomy Crash Course - The Sun gives a good sense of the size of things.
  3. Astronomy Crash Course - Distances - ever want to know how we can actually measure distances to far away stuff? It’s tougher than you think!
  4. Astronomy Crash Course - Intro to the Solar System gives an intro to our local planetary neighbors and our nearest star.
