CSCI P-14110 Introduction to Programming, Computational Science, and Data Visualization

This is the course website CSCI P-14110

Lesson 1 - Introduction

This week, we will go over the general structure of this course, our motivations and tools.

We will also install a lot of stuff!

For reference, I will use some Unix-like commands. We’ll only cover a few, but just in case you want to know more, here is a Windows-to-Unix conversion cheetsheet:

Installation Notes for Programming

  1. Go to the Anaconda Navigator downloads page
  2. Download the version appropriate for your operating system (Mac, Windows, Linux) - make sure you select Python 3 (not 2)
  3. Click on the .exe or package file that gets downloaded and run the install program
  4. For Windows - search for Jupyter Notebook, click and run; For Mac - in Applications folder, click on Anaconda Navigator, click on the Jupyter Notebook link once the Navigator opens
  5. Open a new notebook by clicking “New” in the upper left corner and selecting Python 3
  6. Test your installation with the following commands:
    • import matplotlib
    • import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    • plt.plot([5,6])

Make sure to press SHIFT+ENTER after each line. You should see a simple line plot appear.

You can also follow along using the notebook listed on today’s lesson webpage.


Movie of this process:

Windows 10

Movie of this process:



  1. Py4E: Ch. 1, 2, 6 & 8
    Note: some of this reading covers conditionals (Ch. 3) & iterations (Ch. 5) which are covered tomorrow in class
  2. Optional: Intro to Jupyter Notebook Video
  3. Optional: Software Carpentry Variables lesson and SC’s conversion lesson
