CSCI P-14110 Introduction to Programming, Computational Science, and Data Visualization

This is the course website CSCI P-14110

CSCI P-14110 Introduction to Programming, Computational Science, and Data Visualization

This is the course website for Intro to Programming and Data Viz, instructed by Jill P. Naiman (,

The Canvas webpage is where Assignments will be posted:

Slack site is: TBD

Below, you will find the materials for each lesson, as well as a syllabus that includes contact information and a course outline.

Homework resubmission policy: if you want to re-submit a new answer for a graded HW, you can earn up to 1/2 of the points back (for example: if you missed 4 points you can earn up to 2 back on your resubmission).


Some handy references you might appreciate:

Extra programming resources

Course syllabus

Lesson Lectures and Materials

Assignments will be posted on Canvas