CSCI P-14110 Introduction to Programming, Computational Science, and Data Visualization

This is the course website CSCI P-14110

Lesson 5 - Kepler’s Planets, Orbits in 3D & Other Python Solvers: Choose your own adventure

Main Lecture Materials

Today we’ll continue our simulations in 2D and we’ll start thinking in 3D as well. There are links to other solvers as well, but they are not required if you like the Hermite one!

Motivation: Online 3D solar system interactive animation -


Python Libraries

Note: put these in the same directory as your .pynb notebooks.


Galaxy snapshot files - different resolutions


Other Python Solvers

You can check out these other solvers either now or come back to later in your life. Order is in order of decreasing documentation/increasing difficulty.


Rebound has both C and Python implementations to solve N-body equations with a variety of solvers. There are other examples that include comments on the Rebound examples page if you find something of interest to explore there (make sure you use only the Python ones).


SciPy is a package that does all kinds of neat scientific calculation stuffs. Check out this example of how to use it to make your own 2D N-body integrator. How would you extend this to 3D?


There are many GitHub repos for N-body Solvers in Python and other languages that you may want to check out.
